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Penetration Testing

API, Pen Testing, HanaByte

API Penetration Testing


Application Programming Interface (API) penetration testing is a cybersecurity technique performed in ethical hacking to identify and assess the security posture of the API design. Security in data transfer between systems is integral to web and mobile applications that transfer sizable amounts of data and APIs may be susceptible to sensitive information disclosure, unauthorized access, and input validation flaws that can be detected with thorough penetration testing.


  • A meeting with the client is necessary to review the penetration testing rules of engagement that includes project scope, testing timeline, and testing limitations. All necessary documentation will be collected including all API documentation, authentication credentials, and roles.
  • Reconnaissance by open-source intelligence (OSINT) gathering will identify any sensitive information about the client or related entities that is publicly available. API aggregators or other search engines are valuable resources to check publicly available API documentation.
  • A vulnerability assessment will be conducted to evaluate the client’s attack surface and determine vulnerabilities in the API design using automated vulnerability scans. There will then be attempts to exploit the vulnerabilities identified to collect information on the criticality prioritization of vulnerabilities.


  • A comprehensive report on the analysis of vulnerabilities discovered during the penetration testing with prioritization of vulnerabilities in accordance with the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) category system to assist the client in remediation.


  • One HanaByte security consultant would be needed for this engagement with an expected turnaround time of 1-2 weeks.

Customer Responsibilities

  • Confirm penetration testing rules of engagement and any testing limitations/restrictions.
  • Provide project scope/target information including IP addresses, URLs, API tokens, authentication credentials, etc.
  • Provide any necessary API documentation.

Web Application Penetration Testing


Web application penetration testing is a cybersecurity technique performed to identify critical application vulnerabilities and assess the security posture of the web application on a risk-based approach. Since the world revolves around web applications, applications that are delivered through the internet, security in web applications to run businesses and connect with people globally is integral to ensure there is no sensitive data disclosure. Web applications transfer sizable amounts of data and HanaByte will test your application’s configuration and its infrastructure (e.g. firewalls or DNS servers) for vulnerabilities such as input errors, unauthorized access, or misconfigurations to find security loopholes just as an attacker does.


  • A meeting with the client is necessary to review the penetration testing rules of engagement that includes project scope, testing timeline, and testing limitations. All necessary documentation will be collected including any authentication credentials and incorporated URLs.
  • Reconnaissance by open-source intelligence (OSINT) gathering will identify any sensitive information about the client or related entities that is publicly available.
  • A vulnerability assessment will be conducted to evaluate the client’s attack surface and determine vulnerabilities in the web application design using automated vulnerability scans. There will then be attempts to exploit the vulnerabilities identified to collect information on the criticality prioritization of vulnerabilities.


  • A comprehensive report on the analysis of vulnerabilities discovered during the penetration testing with prioritization of vulnerabilities in accordance with the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) category system to assist the client in remediation.


  • One HanaByte security consultant would be needed for this engagement with an expected turnaround time of 1-2 weeks.

Customer Responsibilities

  • Confirm penetration testing rules of engagement and any testing limitations/restrictions.
  • Provide project scope/target information including IP addresses, URLs, authentication credentials, etc.